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Congratulations to Michiel Gorzeman on Winning the STZ Innovation Award!

  • 13 October 2023
  • Customers in the news

A few years ago, Michiel Gorzeman traveled around the Netherlands, searching for a hospital with a good scheduling system. This was essential to bring his idea of an emergency clinic to life. He eventually ended up at the Sionsberg Network Hospital in Dokkum, which had been using our MedicalPortal for several years. “The focus on smart scheduling and ensuring that a patient can move through the care process as quickly as possible is something that other EHR systems can hardly match,” said Michiel.

The emergency clinic started in Dokkum three years ago. In close collaboration with local general practitioners, the clinic helps alleviate pressure on the regular Emergency Department by taking over low-complexity care. Thanks to MedicalPortal, patients wait less—where a visit to the ER would typically take 180 minutes, in the emergency clinic, it can often be completed in 45 minutes.

Half a year ago, Michiel and his colleagues also launched an emergency clinic at OLVG in Amsterdam. Yesterday, he received the STZ Innovation Award from Minister Ernst Kuipers of Health, an initiative from STZ (Collaborating Top Clinical Hospitals).

Michiel also won the public’s choice award. The jury praised his innovation for its impressive impact on reducing waiting times and throughput times, as well as improving patient and staff satisfaction. According to the jury, the innovation works integrally, transcending departments and institutions, making it a perfect fit within the framework of the Integrated Care Agreement (IZA).

In short: congratulations Michiel and everyone who has made the emergency clinic at OLVG in Amsterdam—and also in Dokkum—a success! Additional congratulations to Eelko Ronner, who won the STZ award for the best innovative idea with his concept for robotic echocardiography. We are proud to have been able to assist Michiel in this wonderful innovation in healthcare.