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HartWacht in the Spotlight of Janus, the Quarterly Magazine of Amsterdam UMC Hospital

  • 25 October 2024
  • eHealth
  • Innovation

You’re just sitting on a French terrace enjoying some wine when your cardiologist calls: ‘Sir, your blood pressure has been rising recently. Could it be that you’ve forgotten to take your blood pressure medication?’

This is how the article begins in Janus Magazine, the popular science quarterly from Amsterdam UMC. (Amsterdam UMC is a leading academic hospital in the Netherlands, dedicated to advanced medical research, education, and patient care.) It provides an insight into how HartWacht is transforming the lives of patients at Amsterdam UMC. Cardiologist Michiel Winter emphasizes how crucial it is for patients to feel supported in their home environment. In addition, HartWacht can significantly reduce the number of unnecessary outpatient clinic visits.

The expectation is that this type of accessible home care will continue to grow substantially. Currently, we are working with Amsterdam UMC on developing two new programs: TAVI (Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation) and CVRM (Cardiovascular Risk Management). Read the article to learn more about how these innovations contribute to personalized and accessible care!

Janus Magazine 3-2024