These Terms of Use apply to visiting and using this website of [Heart for Health ICT] (“[Heart for Health]”) and the information made available on it (the “Information”).
Information and Liability
Despite the care and attention that Heart for Health devotes to the website and the information published on it, Heart for Health does not guarantee the completeness, accuracy, or continuous timeliness of the website and the information published on it. The information is intended solely for general informational purposes and does not constitute advice.
The information on this website may be changed at any time by Heart for Health without prior notice.
Heart for Health is not liable for any damage resulting from the use (or inability to use) this website, including damage caused by viruses or inaccuracies or incompleteness of the Information on this website, unless the damage results from intentional misconduct or gross negligence by Heart for Health.
Heart for Health is not responsible for the content and functioning of external websites referenced on this website or for the quality of any products or services offered on them, and accepts no liability in this regard.
Intellectual Property Rights
Unless otherwise indicated, all rights, including copyrights and other intellectual property rights to the website and the information contained therein, belong to Heart for Health. This explicitly includes all rights to the trade names, word and figurative marks, and logos of Heart for Health included and displayed on the website. The above does not apply to the trade names, word and figurative marks, and logos of institutions and clinics collaborating with MedicalPortal 2.0 that are included and displayed on the website.
Governing Law and Competent Court
These Terms of Use are governed exclusively by Dutch law. All disputes arising in connection with these Terms of Use will be settled by the competent court in Amsterdam.